corus paradise resort...
in the beginning of the story...
i have made my decision to continue my study in egypt..
eventhough there are some obstacle that are rapidly coming toward me..
i still want to go there...

it was a very happiness moment in my life...
bcoz.. there are someone that i really2
care to join me to go to egypt..
but.. it was so short..
it just left me for the one reason..
and the reason is acceptable...
there are a lot of happiness and sadness...
but the happiness moment still over the sadness..
i had meet some friends,.
and they all good and friendly..
whatever work..

apa yg penting??
last day in corus...
we doing a theater activity..

i hope, we will bring back our MBBS and
be a person that can serve to our umat islam,
parents, and our country.. MALAYSIA...
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