Cabaran serta dugaan berada di Msir...
this is my flight to Cairo, Egypt.
this is grave... its look totally different tight..
this grave are family grave.. which means one grave for one family..
AND THIS GRAVE PLACED OPPOSITE OF MY HOUSE... friends... location delmon hotel in bahrain...
transit for one day..
i have safetly arrived in tanta, mesir on 1hb october 2009..
during the journey to the middle east..
there are some things that made me things the life of the arabic people...
there are some different culture in here...
from the aspect of islam, culture and many more..
in here, mesir..
muslim people over here use five mazhab...
huhh.. five??
do u want to know it?
first.. mazhab hanafi..
second..mazhab hambali..
third.. mazhab maliki..
fourth.. mazhab syafie..
and lasttt... their ownn mazhab..
the next day...
i and my friends went to masjid syeikh al badawi to solat jumaat..
i dont know each of the words of kutbah that day...
all arabic language..
then.. after pray..
people over there berzikir...
their zikir are totally different compared to melizia..
if u all see with ur own naked eye.. u will thinks that this is the new for u..
but we as the muslim in melizia that use the mazhab syafie..
we have to do our own zikir...
the musim sejuk will come after this..
preparation during this winter is no cover yet..
i hope..
i can bear the obstacle during the winter seasons soon..
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